Thursday 21 August 2008

Summer Fruits

This morning, noticing that rian was not yet imminent, but that the return to work is becoming so, I whizzed out into the garden for some cutting back od huge shrubs, and digging up of evil weed roots.

Then I noticed that one of the plums overhanging from nexts door's tree was looking mighty ripe and gave it a gentle twist and voila, a plum. Yum!

Later on the way back from the shops, I picked 1/2lb of blackberries and am hoping that the small amount of jam will infact set. I read on the internet that adding a few unripe ones increases the puny amount of pectin, so I popped out and picked a few that were again overhanging from next door. I couldn't bothered to go out again and buy a lemon.

I just wish Ruby's apple trees were on the other side of the garden. I'll have to have a chat. Maybe if I offer to make her some apple crumbles, we can do a deal....


Mulier Fortis said...

...and then maybe I should visit, just to help you check that you've got the right apple-to-crumble ratio... this is best done with hot custard, IMHO...

leutgeb said...

The recipe's fine, but you are welcome to test it. It's the aversion to buying cooking apples that's the problem, especially when you can see them. I shall pop over to the parents for some.

Hot custard? I like the hot crumble meets cold custard effect, which is why God created microwaves, so all may have a contented pudding.

Mulier Fortis said...

Actually I quite like cold custard and hot crumble too...

but then I also like cold custard and cold crumble!

BTW, you've been nominated for an award...

leutgeb said...

Great for breakfast too....

An award?