Saturday 10 October 2009

A zippy Missal cover

Car keys, Missals and handbags make an unstable mix and it's the Missal that's going to come off worst, so finding myself in the piazza outside Westminster Cathedral at lunch-time popped into the CTS Bookshop and hey presto! All zipped up and safe and before any great accident occurred.

Oh yes and the Rosary Crusade was great. Lovely weather too and lots of people even though squillions must have been at Aylesford. St T of L advertised out ide the Cathedral as 58 continuous hours, four Priests hearing confessions etc...


Patrick Sheridan said...

Everyone was having a lovely day except me! Glad you enjoyed the Rosary Crusade leutgeb - I'm going to see St Therese on Monday evening at the Cathedral, late at night to avoid huge crowds (that may or may not work though)...

leutgeb said...

It would be wrong to suppose from reading my blog that everything in my life is wonderful. Very far from it, actually. Everything that I write is true. I'm just selective in what I write.

I hope that the Cathedral is peaceful when you are there.

I noticed lots of extra thingies to put candles in parked at the sides, so they are geared up for serious stuff.

Patrick Sheridan said...

leutgeb, I can well understand. Things aren't so nice for me either at present, and in spite of finding consolation and joy in certain pursuits, such as Latin and Tolkien, they aren't any help really. Prayer seems the obvious remedy, but generally all I can say in private prayer is ''Lord, you know all the desires of my heart'' and that's it!

Maybe the visit of St Therese to these Isles is a blessing in a very personal way for each of us - maybe I can obtain God's Grace through her Intercession and example. I shall have to read her Little Way when I get time - in order to find the joy of being Catholic in small things and to cultivate a better personal prayer life...

I shall hold you especially in my prayers this week, for what they are worth.

leutgeb said...

Other people's prayers are always worth a great deal, Patricius, because what greater good can you do for another person?

I read the CTS pamphlet on St T of L, because I am nothin' if not a lightweight!

As the Irish say, 'Life is a tough proposition.' That's true, I think, of everyone, even people who seem happy and seem to have it all.

I hope that things improve for you. Courage!