Sunday 2 May 2010

Roxanna Panufnik

has just been on R3 on The Choir with Aled.

Tantalisingly, they couldn't play any of her new Mass just yet, but as she has synaethesia, she was able to tell us that it's golden.

I'm interested in the 'for congregational use' version, when it comes out.

Meantime, the ever polite Aled, son of Llangefni (I think) etc, was even heard to say that the Missa de angelis would be familiar to our Catholic listeners. A pretty unusual concept on the BBC. That is, the idea that the listener/viewer might have a particular set of cultural reference points that we don't all share. That they might just be Catholic, is still more unusual. Nothing snidey, he even played the Sanctus, so we knew how it went. Catch it on iPlayer.

Anyone going to Spanish Place on Fri?

PS On the subject of synaethesia, I have variously mused on it at work. My ex-colleaugue thought C major was yellow, whilst when pressed for an answer my HoD declared it magnolia.

I like to extend the idea to music and food. Thus Bruckner 9 mvt 1 is mulled wine. The last movement just tumbles into failure and hoplessness so would have to be something past its sell by date and possible mouldy at the back of the fridge, but which you have to eat.
More pleasantly...
A cooked breakfast?
Roast dinner?


Anonymous said...

I'll be at Spanish Place on Friday. I know the organisers and hear that tickets are moving fast and they tell me the performance will be in candlelight. I think it starts at 7.30 and doors open at 6.45.

leutgeb said...

OK, not for me chancing it on the door then. I've bought a ticket online from

The rest of the programme looks good too. Can't beat a bit of Bruckner and Gabrieli. (How often do you mention them in the same sentence?)