Wednesday 15 September 2010

Preparations continue

The indefatigable Josephine has been manufactuaring Holy See flags from a piece of white A4 and a yellow one with the Papal coat of arms printed on the white one. My parents live in a neighbouring parish and when I popped round earlier, they had one up in their porch. They are everywhere.

I've been phoning, emailing and texting fellow travellers who will be on the road to Cofton Park. The last discussion around pillows and blankets for a little girl. When I gave a few more names and said a 12 year old she knows was going, that changed the picture completely. 'X will look after her.' Big smiles.

The media meanwhile. What a joke.

It's so ridiculous that even people who aren't normally pro-Catholic are beginning to side with the Pope.

Anyway, I have more important things to think about. Anorak, torch, flask and emergency haribos for the journey home. (They may be for me rather than for the children on the coach!)

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