It was always going to happen, but I have been evicted from my allotment. If you saw the 3' high couch grass surrounded by neat rows of tasty veg, you'd see why. I was hoping to hang on in time for the plum trees to fruit, but that was not to be.
So at 8am this morning I went out to dig up some blackcurrant bushes that were given to me as I have to remove my personal effects from the plot. Being too scaredy cat to face the probable self-righteous stares of the full-time allotmenteers I thought earlyish on a Sunday morning was the time to go for.
Not a soul about.
I hope the next lot of plot holders have more time for the couch grass.
I am sorry :( I kept thinking last year "ask her if she's come across rotovators", but then, I suppose what you really need to get it dug up is a plough!
I didn't go down the rotovator route because they chop up the couch grass roots thus propogating them further. A dry spring followed by being unexpectedly busy at various point put pay to the relentless digging and sifting necessary to prepare the ground for sowing which I have managed to a limited extent in the previous two years.
Yes, I didn't write anything because it seemed probable that you had thought of that scheme. I just felt a little pang of sadness when I read this, because you did seem to enjoy your allotment very much, and I thought I'd cyberempathize. But it probably came out wrong. sorry.
Not to worry. I'm busy doing lots of other stuff and still have my garden.
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