Tuesday 28 February 2012

Home home home

Yay. It's been a long day, starting at very early o'clock, why even the seagulls were still in pyjamas when I left Brighton, going through a big teaching day and then a parents' evening. And now a meme. So this time, at the request of Annie Elizabeth. Come rope, come rack, because we are starting up a Robert Hugh Benson thing in Blackfen. Maybe it's time for a literary festival... For the parish that has everything... Only joking, Lenten mortification, listening to other people's ideas about how you could be spending all that free time you have. I happened to read the bit where they visit St Paul's after the side altars have been ripped out in the Starbucks next to St Paul's. Jane Eyre - Reader, I married him. Anna Karenina in memory or my Russian literature phase at university and the days when I spent days reading.

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