Sunday 20 January 2008

Viva il Papa!

Having followed Fr Tim's e mail link and sent my support for the Holy Father yesterday, I popped over to Fr Ray's blog, because he always has photos of Papal appearances so quickly. Does he have a Rome correspondant?
I broke my no clock watching at Mass or in concerts rule to see when it was 11am and therefore noon in Rome and lit a candle for him on the way out. Can't be too careful in these nasty times.

Anyway, blatantly borrowed from Fr Ray, a few people in Rome at lunch-time. No news on the BBC, how strange... Pages of hostile comments on their website, sadly. This about a man who, as he said today, has spent much of his life in a university and has a natural sympathy with students. Oh yes and he's rather clever too.

1 comment:

Mulier Fortis said...

I think he managed to get a news feed via Asia News (that's the credit for the photos he had on his blog)... I got my photo (same shot, less impressive) via google images...