Thursday 12 February 2009


School trips have upsides and downsides.

You do get to go places and see interesting things with teenagers who are generally enthusiastic and interested in things, but may be very sleep deprived, stay in very budget accommodation and have to deal with any emergency that may crop up. We just had one boy who walked past the place we were eating in one night, who was lost for about 10 minutes. It was a very busy street in a very busy city and we were very worried.... He was found and did not seem terribly upset by the whole thing. He doesn't know what could have happened... Then there was the boy who bought a football and was trying to get someone in a duty free shop in the airport terminal to give him a pin to puncture it before he got on the plane. They aren't into sharp pointy objects in airport terminals and instead gave him a paperclip. I was more concerned that the flight was about to be called, personally.

One of the other downsides is the food and we teachers decided that we have eaten our quota of fried foods and salt for the whole year. In a reaction to what was on the menu for the last five days, I've been re-acquainting myself with the tub of rocket outside my kitchen door. It's bounced back after the snow and is very dark green. I sowed it last summer - very economical. Yum.


Jane said...


Welcome back. So that's what you've been doing.

Have not forgotten the gardening promise. Blame Richard Williamson!

Have written the post - just need to type it out. Hope to do before flying to UK next Wednesday.


leutgeb said...

World turns on Holy Father.


Leutgeb spices up bacon sarnie (home made bread, yum) with rocket.

Not a close match really!

Looking forward to the post, thank you in advance, L.