Thursday 2 April 2009

A DVD Quest

My parents are helping to teach the Confirmation candidates in their Parish and tonight is an end of term DVD and pringles night. So far, so good. This morning my Dad popped down to the hall to fix up the new TV with another man, taking my DVD of that Gregory Peck film, you know the one WWII, saving people, giving the Germans the slip etc. He put it down whilst plugging wires in and someone, who will remain nameless, picked up the DVD and took it home. (How?) My Mum has been planning this for ages.

So, I got a call and took over two of my very small library of Catholic type films. Not Into Great Silence, this time, but Karol; a man who became Pope and the Br Damien film. My Mum decided the day required JPII and like the retired teacher that she is watched various bits of it, for timing and and suitability purposes. So all is well. I like the film a lot, but it is pretty heavy handed in its treatment, so probably good in ramming the history in. The music is by Ennio Morricone too.


gemoftheocean said...

NOO!!!! SAy it isn't so. Someone walked off with your copy of the Scarlet and the Black?! [Can't boil them in oil anymore but maybe they'll GET boils....

leutgeb said...

It was posted through the priest's letterbox just as they pressed play on the DVD player.....

Anyway, the JPII film was a success and one of the adult confirmation candidates took it home to watch the end.