Tuesday 16 December 2008


After six weeks of form filling, e mails and phone calls, I now have a half plot on the site behind my house.

I think I am going to get a gardener to clear it and then I have two months to dig in manure 'n' stuff before I can start planting. Five people have already turned it down, so the lady in charge was dead chuffed that I'm taking it and I am dead chuffed that it is on that site. I will be able to pop round on those light Summer evenings to tend my courgettes and pick strawberries....

It is just visible from the back bedroom which is nice.


Anonymous said...

Grow marrows! They're easy to grow, and keep really well over the winter (and thus you have cheap fresh veg in winter - they're great cut into slices about three inches thick, stood on end, scooped out and stuffed)

leutgeb said...

Will do. What do you stuff them with? Beef mince?

How's the crumble/shortbread, dare I ask?

Mulier Fortis said...

Heheheheheh... we'll never get to see you now!