Saturday 31 August 2013

Food miles

Not many footsteps.

Time for plum tart made with plums that were on the tree 20 mins ago.

La Rentrée

Singing starts again tomorrow and the Autumn, in outline, looks something like this.

Sunday 1st September
15th Sunday after Pentecost XI/I

Friday 6th September 8pm
Requiem Mass Fr Bailey RIP

Sunday 8th September
Nativity of the BVM IX/I

Sunday 15th September
Seven Sorrows of the BVM IX/I and sequence

Sunday 29th September
Dedication of St Michael Archangel VIII/III

Wednesday 2nd October 8pm VIII/III
Dedication of Our Lady of the Rosary Church

Sunday 20th October
Dedication of St George's Cathedral VIII/III

Friday 1st November 8pm
All Saints VIII/III
possible visit of St James's Spanish Place Gregorian Choir

Sunday 10th November
Remembrance Sunday, Requiem Mass

Sunday 1st December
1st Sunday of Advent XVII/I

Sunday 8th December
Immaculate Conception IX/I

Carol Service Date TBC

Wednesday 25th December
Midnight Mass VIII/III

Sunday 29th December
St Thomas a Becket VIII/III

Thursday 15 August 2013

A casual glance

At Twitter says silly season.

It's making me want to go back to school.

Reminds me of when, rose- tinted specks on...

I held a small boy (11) back at the end of a lesson to confiscate his phone as per the school rules, it having gone off in the lesson - gets given to Second Master, boy then has to go and ask for it at the end of the day, before I get a com box full of anxious comments - listened to lengthy story ending with, 'My phone has been a bit funny, since I dropped it down a toilet.' On that occasion I did not follow through with the school rules. Oh inconsistent teacher, me.

Ah the nostalgia for petty class room disputes....

And now I am invited to eat burgers. Like proper summer stuff, followed by Mass.

Do people write awful things on Twitter? Yes.
Why do they do that?
A) they think they can get away with it.
B) the medium, like the Internet in general, disinhibits people.
C) it's a rubbish way of communicating compared to face to face. Hey we are into Incarnational type ways of being, being Catholics etc.

Are some people really horrible?

Best keep out the way.
They are not going to change any time soon.
Consequences can be very real world indeed.

Burgers. Ketchup. Yummy.

The Assumption

Happy feast day.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Immaculate Conception Basilica, Washington D.C.

Blogging-lite, these days.

Here are a few snaps of my hols, to stay with friends in Washington.

It's a huge church and contains side chapels to Our Lady of everywhere you have ever heard of and a few more besides.

The 'Hail Mary' features all over the building and one plaque reads thus:

After Mass on Sunday, there were the all important donuts. Mine was apple and cinnamon, if you are wondering and very good it was too.