Monday 21 November 2011

IOW on Sat

Still alive, just a little busy.

Concerts, stuff, friends, IOW, rehearsals, ping my phone goes off and now I'm replacing a treble in tonight's sung grace... already wacked through the Bartok Rumanian Dances before 9.10 this morning for the next gig on Thursday and so it goes...

Anyway, we did the propers for Epiphany on Saturday.  Very good and very useful.

And the weather was lovely again.


Hilaire Belloc said...

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‘Only from the clear spring’ | Ágnes Kőry on Bartók
November 23, 2011
Wednesday 23 November, 6.30pm

Hungarian Cultural Centre
10 Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7NA


Anonymous said...

Sorry to have missed Saturday. Don't work too hard now..

leutgeb said...

Hilaire, thanks for that, but I will be having an early night on Wed as me concert is on Thurs.

Clare, you missed a goodie. Next time...