Monday 3 August 2015

Gregorian Chant Hymns - UPDATE

Last summer saw the launch of Gregorian Chant Hymns, a website that provides, notation, text, recordings, and pics of chants you might want to sing in an ordinary everyday parish. The recordings, which are downloadable and free, are a mixture of St Cecilia's, IOW, Pluscarden, St Cecilia's + our female schola and just us. The site has been receiving a very healthy number of hits from all over the place.

There are now booklets for use at Mass.

A further project is providing booklets for Sunday Vespers in the Extraordinary Form. So, should you find yourself hunting for the Magnificat in the correct tone attached to the correct antiphon, this may be just the place for you. These are being used weekly at the Oratory in formation, Washington DC.

And there's Sunday Compline there too.

In other news, great quote from Sir James MacMillan on 'Front Row,' R4 earlier. On what his Fourth Symphony sounds like - "I don't know, the first rehearsal is tomorrow." I shall be telling my form when they are composing impossible things for various instruments that Sir JM, knows the faces of the BBCSSO player for whom he is writing.

Sir James MacMillan 4
Gustav Mahler 5

That's tonight's programme - not a football score.
Kicking myself for not going.

Bravo! Great ending.

1 comment:

Zephyrinus said...

"I shall be telling my form when they are composing impossible things . . ."

Would that be ordinary form or extraordinary form ?

Excellent Post, Bara Brith, and a rattling good read.