Sunday 31 May 2009

Back Home

Arrived back on Fri from Lourdes.

For photos, an an explanation of our itinerary, you know where to go.

Had the usual array of surreal experiences, usually at the procession.

Walked over to the Middlesboro' banner looking for a someone who knew a Priest we were looking for and got the reply, 'Italiano,' when I asked after him, which was very funny. Said Priest was in fact on the bridge. You just had to be there, I guess.

When Mac and I got the bus up to the Parish Church, the driver stopped halfway up the town, got out of his cab and lifted a lady's case off. We carried on chatting and he stopped and pointed out the Church to us, all done with great care and a smile.

Having had a slight experience of hospitals etc over the past few weeks, I was very struck by the care given in the baths, which was second to none.

Everyone in the group seemed to have a very good stay there. How lucky we are.

My favourite bit was the walking tour, because the guide, who was I think the same as two years ago, is just excellent.

A group of Italians summed up the place one night after the procession,' Tutto. Uno.'

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