Friday 31 July 2009

Time for the dibber

Leaving things to the last moment whilst blaming the weather for my sloth, this am was the time to plant out some winter veg. That would be the stuff that says May, June, July and this being the end of the month and the day to avoid Post Offices (cos everyone is renewing their car tax, been there got the T-shirt,) I now have five rows of small plants -3 of leeks and 2 of kale. Later it's the turn of the purple sprouting broc and then I shall feel that my winter larder is ready.

My email to the Council got a reply saying that I have til April 2010 to get the plot fully working. March will be a busy month then.

Hopefully, come the Autumn I will be able to get back into the routine of doing an hour's digging before going to Mass on Sun. It was slow work, but I did sift through quite a bit of land and the weeds have not grown back, well not the same ones anyway.

So despite set backs I shall be taking to Wales tomorrow potatoes, onions, tomatoes, blackberry jam, parsnips and a loaf of bread from the bread machine. The lone courgette will do for tea!


Ches said...

Here' hoping the Wesh Border police don't stop and arrest you for crop rustling ;-) Happy Eisteddfod-ding, and watch that slippery decking!

leutgeb said...

Mm the killer decking. How could I forget?!

Heddlu Gogledd Cymru (N Wales Police) will hopefully be too busy policing caravans enroute to Holyhead to worry about me.

Rumour has it that the Maes Eisteddfod (field) is no longer dry and that's not due to a lack of rain.

Ches said...

If the chapel police come out in force, you could always smuggle in the liquor via a cake (cf: Fr TF's jubilee cake)!

leutgeb said...


I can testify to how delicious the cake was.

I'm sure the WI( founded in Lanfairpg after all,) have a secrect set of instructions for just such an eventuality.

Richard Collins said...

If you are still in Wales on 15 August there is the National Pilgrimage at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Taper, Cardigan starting at 12 noon with Sung EF Mass.