Monday 27 July 2009

Home again

Back home after a fantastic week in Solesmes and my brother's wedding in the Midlands on Sat.
When the dust has settled I shall write about it.

It's not all over, because today one of my Mum's kiwi cousins and her husband along with Auntie D are staying with my parents. Tomorrow they are going to Paris to visit Grandma's only surviving sibling, Auntie L. I'm on pudding duty... what to make?

Kiwi cousin has the same Christian name as me as we are both named after Grandma's Mother who died in 1919. She got Spanish 'flu which lay her open to TB. She died aged 27 leaving a husband and five children, the youngest twin girls, who included kiwi cousin's Mother. Infact, kiwi cousin looks like my Greatgrandmother.

The eldest, Uncle B stayed in County Clare. Auntie L got a scholarship to the Sorbonne and married a Frenchman, Uncle J-H, living through occupied France with small children. Grandma lived in England and married Grandpa, (obviously.) The twins, Auntie E and Auntie S, emigrated to kiwi land after WW2 and the rest is history.

The kiwicousins are great. Very relaxed and warm.

And now to the washing-machine.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I hear you on the washing-machine bit...blegh.

leutgeb said...

I like housework. That said, it is raining so not a good drying day.

Ches said...

Fr Ray just published Clare Bowskill's account of the chant course. Sounds like it was terrific.

leutgeb said...

Thanks. I shall pop over and have a read.

Patricius said...

Looking forward to reading your account of Solesmes.

Clare said...

Yes where is your account of Solesmes?.... I had to do one.

leutgeb said...

Mm. coming soon....