Monday 4 February 2008

123 Meme episode 2

This time from Berenike.

Awfully grand next nearest book. Eugene Onegin by Pushkin, because we are going to a Schools' Matinee at The ROH in March and I thought it would be a novelty to have knowledge of the plot. Thought it would add to basking in the Tchaik. Also, when some pupil asks me what's going on, I'll be able to tell them. Always handy.

Sentences are a bit tricky, what with it being written in verse. So I'll count lines instead

With caution through the key-hole spying
She sees ... Why, who would credit it?
About the table monsters sit!

Anyone else, please join in....


Anonymous said...

It's magic, isn't it? Is that the translation published by Penguin Classics? My dad tried to teach me the beginning in Russian once, but it sounded ridiculous with an Edinburgh accent, so I refused to mangle it any longer!

leutgeb said...

Yup that be the translation.

I'm looking forward to hearing it sung in Russian. The translator has a good go with the rhymes though.

Mulier Fortis said...

Hey ! I gave you an award!!