Monday 27 October 2008

The Faith, The Family, The Future Conference

Widely advertised in the blogosphere, it was a great success and a fun time had by all. My only worry was keeping up with the pace!

An amazing array of speakers, including Fr Aidan Nichols OP, Fr Luiz Ruscillo from Lancaster, John Pontifex from ACN....who gave me one of their books.

More children called Anslem than is usual in these parts and general merriment all round.

The website is still up and running with good stuff on it too.

Bashing Secularism has a proper press release and a picture.

Lacrimarum Valle, also has a very informative write up.

Fr Tim, though not there in person, is of course the Parish Priest of the organisers, as well as a number of the participants.

Leutgeb, well she was in the organ loft with a Harrison & Harrison Organ from Durham (where else?) and a fine selection of former pupils and unsuspecting conference participants who were charmed by others more charming than I (Anna Marie) into offering their musical services.

From what I could hear over the din I was making, people were in very fine voice and we sang such hymns as Hail Queen of Heaven, Immaculate Mary, Praise to the Holiest, Faith of our Fathers. At Communion we sang Franck Panis Angelicus on Sat and Mozart Ave Verum on Sun, plus Tantum Ergo, O Salutaris Hostia and the Salve Regina at Benediction, and some movements from the Missa de angelis. There was quite a bit of silence too.


Roses and Jessamine said...

We're having a Gregorianofest at St Mary Mags for All Souls Day: Dies Irae galore. Do join us.

leutgeb said...

A Gregorianofest? What a good word.

Thanks for the invite. Already cooking and stuff for folks. Sigh.

Hope it all goes well for you.

I will get down to Brighton again some time.

LizzieD said...

Sounds like it was wonderful, wish I could've made it - I knew Aidan Nichols before he was famous, he was the Chaplain at Edinburgh Uni when I was there - a looooooong time ago, should've got his autograph then, lol!

leutgeb said...

It was a great w/e.

Lots of very interesting/ kind people to chat to whilst lots of children tore around the place.

Wow. A celeb Dominican.

The website has some more pics on it and they hope to continue to update it. Also, they seem to be using the e mail list as a means of publicing stuff, so I'm sure if you contacted them they would add you on. They are keen that the good things continue.

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Wow! You're musical! Me..terrible..can't sing..but you probably have heard Fr Guy...heavenly!

leutgeb said...

Oh go on, I bet you can sing.