Saturday 8 December 2012

Thank you very much - Diolch yn fawr

Santa has come early! The Altar Servers have been in contact with Jones Crisps and now my parents will have crisps and crisps and crisps at Christmas.

thank you :-)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Zephyrinus said...

The Blackfen Altar Servers, besides being blessed with a magnificent Parish Priest and Divine Liturgy, also have a rather good Director of Music, who has produced wonderful Choral contributions to the Mass, along with her Choir.

A packet of crisps, from Wales, was the least they could do.

NADOLIG LLAWEN to you and all your Readers. (And your Choir)

Delia said...

You mean you hope that they can enjoy what's left of them. Mea culpa!

leutgeb said...

We needed a focus group for quality control. 11 bags were handed over on Sat am.
