Wednesday 19 September 2007

Things to keep you Catholic

Just for Mac - she who reads this gubbins. (thank goodness someone does!)

The two for me are

1 The Sacraments. Where else can you go for the Blessed Sacrament and Absolution and that's only 2/7.

2 The teaching authority of the Church.

Everything else follows in no particular order


All the people I really admire

Music - too much to list.

Being made welcome like another member of the family in all sorts of occasions


Reading St Bede and seeing nothing much has changed.

Feeling more at home abroad than in England. (France, Italy, Austria, Poland)

Reading about St John Fisher and seeing nothing much as changed (alas).

Pope Benedict XVI (last but by no means least) What great books. Wish I'd read them ages ago. JPII was a great man, but I find his writing really hard work.

I read all those blogs describing the sometimes appalling things being done in this country and I've decided that on my blog I'm going to avoid the rent-a-rant. (Believe me FR Zs red I like alot. It's the teacher in me!)

The rest of the time apart from the prayers, I'm trying to support everything/ one, that or who are doing the good stuff. So, Aid to the Church in Need, SPUC, Sisters of the Gospel of Life etc big support. Certain 2nd collections, nothing. Petitions in Church for SPUC, raffle tickets for the primary school, jam in aid of Life etc I'm there. Basically, all the small 'boring' things that hold the Catholic infastructure together, I'm really trying to do. Some poor person standing at the door at the end of Mass needing some sort of support, that's me. Any other ideas? Bring them on. When the charity law gets changed so that contemplative orders loose money I'm adopting one - should probably do that now anyway.

The catalogue of things I don't do and opportunities missed is huge, btw.

Oh yes and I once left a CTS pamphlet about Pius XII on a train because Joanna Bogle suggested it. Only I'll have to get another one now because I'd like to re-read it!

OK Mac. Nuff ramblings. Bedtime for tired teachers. The sniffles are threatening and I need my voice and strength. First Orch String Sectional + Madrigals + teaching tomorrow. Night Night.


Mulier Fortis said...

Thank you... very informative!

(And I'm delighted to see that your blog is going to be a complaint-free zone!)

leutgeb said...

Why do you think I have commment moderation!

Fr Justin said...

Not only Mac: I read you too!

leutgeb said...

Thank you Father.

Fr Justin said...

In fact, I've just discovered that I hadn't got a link to you on my blogroll: this has just been remedied, and it comes with my apologies.

leutgeb said...

Thanks a lot Father. No apoplogy needed.