Sunday 6 April 2008


Travelling back from one of our ancient universities this am via London, I happened upon the Olympic Torch build up.

I wrongly thought that I could get Mass at Notre Dame de France. So for anyone else thinking that thought it's at 12 noon not 12.30. Sigh. Trudge. Probably in French, maybe Cantonese, not fussed as long as it's a Mass. Actually, I was hoping it was in Cantonese, then maybe I could pray better for Chinese Catholics.

Didn't want to hang around in ancient seat of learning due to the snow and the fact that I didn't get round to checking Mass times. Last weekend my Dad and I had to enquire in Tourist info in Wales as to Mass in the next town as we needed a different time, so maybe that could be a new raising awareness of Catholics thing. When the Bank ask for a direct debit or two to check I am that Miss Leutgeb, I have been know to launch into SPUC and so on.... Yes we're everywhere even paying taxes for those pesky schools that keep appearing at the top of league tables...

But I digress,as usual. The torch thing had quite a few people gathered in Trafalgar Sqaure at that point. Saw a few police vans scream by along The Strand and then a few people with Tibetan flags coming out of Charing X Station. My contribution? Indifference, so not much. Judging by the police cordon jogging along with the torch by the time it got to Tower Bridge, quite a few other people had already expressed their hostility to the Games in China.

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