Sunday 27 September 2009

RH Benson Coincidences

This am after Mass I was having a chat with someone who mentioned a book by RH Benson; 'Come Rack! Come Rope.'

This pm I bumped into someone I have only met once properly who remembered (when I had forgotten) that I had expressed an interest in this book and she handed it to me wrapped in a jiffy bag.

Better read it!


Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Great book!

Delia said...

Enjoyment not obligatory, though!

leutgeb said...

Many thanks again and I'm enjoying it very much.

Ben Trovato said...

I'm not sure there is any such thing as a coincidence in Catholic theology - so yes, you'd better read it!

leutgeb said...

Various other factors are giving the book must read status.