Sunday 23 November 2008

Whither Weather?

Mike, the conductor, arrived fine and so we got through all the work needed for the concert on Friday. every time I looked out of the window the weather had changed so it was mean that we all left in a downpour.

Friday concerts are well, cheaper to put on mainly and have the strange effect of making you suddenly wonder how this bit goes. Lots of playing consists of remembering that there is a pull back or an accel at some point and not doing something stupid (ie audibly wrong.) That's not to say you don't make an effort to play it all well, but Vaughan Williams 5 starts with a string chord and then two horns (pastoral, English Countryside, cowpat music....), so we'd be stupid not to make sure we didn't split those notes. Despite the reputation of the horn, my experience is sheer bloodymindedness and 120% concentration with a sprinkling of practice usually mean that I don't mess up those bits. It's the entries you don't concentrate on properly that go by the way. Pros split notes, so I'm allowed a few now and then.


Did my missing a train by 30 seconds trick and was left at a station that is usually shut on Sun (therefore no coffee, no bookshop to nosy through, nothing,) for half an hour waiting for the next one. Sigh. All those 30 minutes spent waiting for the next train. Days of my life.

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