Sunday 30 November 2008

Letters to The Times

or as they say in Ireland, 'The London Times.'

These follow on from someone writing a letter along the lines of, 'the vast majority of Catholics want a new Archbishop of Westminster just like the one I want.' Well, she didn't ask me and no, I don't want one who is going to change the teaching of the Church and how could that be possible anyway. However, these were quite encouraging from yesterday.

Sir, I am sure the Pope already has clear ideas about who and what he wants for the Roman Catholic Church in England (letter, Nov 26). It is strange how his detractors invoke the subject of liturgy as the first objection, quickly followed by clerical celibacy and a series of subjects that have been a running sore, as they see it, since Vatican II.
I look forward to more of what the Pope has already delivered. Perhaps some are disappointed that the former inquisitor chose love and hope as his underpinning gospel rather than the iron conservatism that many imaged he would impose. He has a genuine and generous understanding of the real issues within the Church. The past 30 years have been far from easy and no one knows this better than he.
Forms of worship, which belong to all time, not just the present, may not please everyone. But there is a new mood of stability at last within the Church instead of the endless wrangling of malcontents who have caused such harm since the 1960s. Their day is done.
The new Archbishop of Wesminster, whoever he turns out to be, has to be a real leader for English (and Welsh) Catholics, and, by definition, a Pope’s man. The true “vast majority” of Catholics here will heartily welcome that.
Jeremy Boot

Sir, The present Pope, as Cardinal Ratzinger, is generally regarded as one of the architects of the reforms of Vatican II, so it is rather surprising that anyone, not to mention the “vast majority” of Roman Catholics, should not want any new Archbishop of Westminster to be in the same mould as Benedict XVI, when they are said to be supporters of the same reforms. Those in favour of an end to the celibacy of priests and women as priests, neither of which was advocated in Vatican II, could consider joining the Lutheran Church. To list the Christian virtues as in opposition to the “mould” of the present Pope shows a degree of confusion not consistent with any Christian church teaching.
Bernard Cooper
Didcot, Oxon
Sir, Dr Inman apparently wants the Catholic Church to become the Anglican Church. God preserve us from the problems experienced by the latter.
Jim Johnston

I remain, Sir, your obedient servant....

I am, etc

Yours etc, Leutgeb.

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