Sunday 24 April 2011

Easter Feasting

After a certain amount of tootling over the last few days, obviously after Mass yesterday, it was time to make for my parents' home where my sister-in-law has introduced the innovation of my Mum not quite doing everything.

s-i-l did various meaty things, my Mum did, guess what? loads of stuff, sorted out all the cutlery and crockery, provided the venue.... and I made a cake and baked an already in the fridge pudding, typically baked very early in the morning. Yes, very often I listen to The Sunday Programmme and Morning Service whilst whisking things up or peeling potatoes. Yesterday, Morning Service was from St George's Chapel, Windsor where they go on about the Queen a lot, speak in, I assume, Prayer Book English and then sing Mass VIII. Eclectic, or something.

Anyway, back to the food. Then all we had to do was sit in the garden all afternoon talking, eating and drinking. Hard life.

Today, I got to go to a fantastic Mass and then party. It was like a wedding only they've been married for 25 years. The Mass had beautiful music, sung and played by their children and I got to receive Holy Communion whilst they were singing the Elgar Ave verum. I also really got to appreciate the beautiful flowers in the church, which sideways on, whist staring at music, just don't look the same. The bunting in the hall was lovely and the barn dance was great fun. The weather was quite good too...

Tomorrow it's back to my other life, only whilst I know there's lots to do, I've kinda forgotten what that might be. Bank Holiday on Friday, anyway.

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