Sunday 10 June 2012

Gregorian hymns supplement

As usual, Clare has gone to the trouble of writing down what was said to us into a blogpost.

I would add that the repertoire of hymns provides an invaluable window, gateway, doorway or whatever you like into Catholic thinking and music. You get great melodies, beautiful beautiful words and some of the best stuff that most people can sing if they want to or at least music that is not going to drive people nuts when they are at Mass. Also, I have had a number of conversations with people who are really very moved when you tell them just how old the music and words are. They are very chuffed to have access to the music. And why not. We are Catholics and it's our culture.

Looking for a hymn honouring The Blessed Sacrament? Why on earth would you not want to sing Adoro te devote. Words by um someone quite good on such stuff. Anything in Mode V sounds major to our 21stC ears so is very palatable indeed.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Home in the rain

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